
as we’ve all been struck down with the lurgy and the littlun is showing signs of chicken pox I’ve been retreating into Skyrim of an evening, to transport myself away from miserable January.  Plus being able to quicksave and pause makes life much much easier at the moment 😉

I did pop onto lotro last night and bankrupted myself buying a worn symbol to forge a second age bow (yayyay!) I got fairly crappy legacies on it which was… crappy 😛  nevermind, I have the legacies I want on there now and they can be increased.  Hopefully we will be able to group up with our friend Aeowulf tonight.

I will have my champion outfit to share soon and hopefully will be back posting regularly soon 🙂

little by little, one travels far

Steed of the Elf-Lords

We’re both now level 75 (yay!!), have just started the Gap of Rohan questlines and have been through the new Isengard 3-man instances.  We really need to gear up so our plan is to save up our marks, medallions and any seals that we might be lucky enough to get, finish the Rohan questline and epic book, save up our Cracked Rhi Sigils and then sort ourselves out with a mixture of faction, bartered and crafted gear…  As you can see I also completed the ambassador to the elves deed (max faction with malledhrim, galadhrim and rivendell) and got my lovely horse 🙂

The new instances are fun and we’re starting to get the tactics down.  Our biggest challenges so far have been Dragnakh (didn’t manage despite getting to the 3rd platform on our first two attempts and it went steadily downhill from there – first time in though), the final ent battle in Fangorn (our 2nd time in today was much smoother and quicker though) and the horrible fire orc bit in Pits (been in once).  I like our group of warden, hunter and runekeeper though 🙂

My lore-master is now at 45 and working on various bits and pieces (epic book for legendary, quests in Forochel / Eregion and the final 2 pages needed for the books quests).  She is maxed on cooking and rep 🙂

My other alts are all sitting around the 30s.  I like both the champ and the captain, though I don’t want to tank with either lol  They’ll probably stay as solo alts and may never see a high level.  Similarly my minstrel looks like huge fun but is sitting at level 21.  I don’t have enough time quite simply.

I’m away next week and I will try to get a couple of posts scheduled and once I’m back from hols I’ll start on the sindarin place names again.

little by little, one travels far

lotro ~ thievery and mischief skirmish

lotro ~ we’ve been steadily questing away in Dunland and have now reached level 72 🙂  We have the first level of new gear available (quest rewards) and it has made a huge difference, though it is hard choosing between agility and vitality!  For now, I am keeping bits and pieces with a high alternative stat, so I may end up with agi/fate gear and vit gear…  We’ve been doing 3-person skirmishes on a Wednesday with our friend Aeowulf and they are really good fun.  It looks as though we will start doing the 6-persons though as we want to earn the superior 4th marks, we think at least a couple of people in the guild will be interested 🙂

skyrim ~ silhouette and moon

skyrim ~ still just loving this game!  I’m now level 43 *cough* and head of the Mages college as well as the Thieves guild.  I’m slowing down a little with this one as I’m waiting for the creation kit and the first downloadable content being available in January.  Though I’m also considering re-starting… not sure why!

eq2 ~ revamped freeport and execution

eq2 ~ I had to rewrite this section as Smokejumper announced that all characters made before 6th December would be unlocked.  What? seriously? omg YAY!  Well, personally, I think its incredibly generous and definitely the way to bring back ex-subscribers like myself 🙂  Yeah you’ll have to pay to unlock gear etc, but personally I think having your characters PLUS content free up to Sentinel’s Fate (and I think including Velious if you have bought the expansions) is an incredibly good deal.   Gold, bag, journal cap is workable…   Personally as well, I now feel much more inclined to spend some money on eq2 with this news.  I am looking slightly greenly at Beastlords and the rest of the stuff that comes with the new expansion and there are some rather nice prestige houses…. hmm….

I would like to play eq2 more, especially the decorating side of it, I’m not sure if I will have time as I still love playing lotro (and there is my semi addiction to Skyrim and there’s minecraft waiting in the wings too!) but its fantastic to know that I can now log in at any time I wish.  So – thank you Smokejumper and the EQ2 team 🙂

little by little, one travels far #6

We’ve all had a bug this week, so didn’t feel like gaming much this week.  However, I did play some Dragon Age: Awakenings (wanted to finish this) and we did log into lotro last night.

I’m really enjoying Awakenings.  Its great having Oghren in my party again and I do now feel slightly guilty for killing Anders in DA2 (mostly because he was really annoying).  I was questing through Kal’Hirol the other night and I just loved the artwork here, the lighting is amazing.

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In lotro last night, I realised that slogging through the final sections of Mirkwood was just seriously annoying me.  So we decided to leave Mirkwood for now and headed off to Enedwaith instead.  It was nice being back in the open air with green grass and blue skies again 😉  We’re now both fairly close to level 68 (I am starting to think we will be level 75 before we even get to Dunland :P)

and… *drumroll* …. we’ve now pre-ordered Skyrim to arrive next Friday!!!!!

little by little, one travels far #5

We are now level 66 and maybe around halfway through Mirkwood.  I am really enjoying Mirkwood, it is really atmospheric and as this is my elf’s home it is great to finally be ‘home’.  We’re getting very tempted to fast track through though – now we’re over 65, we know we’re on the final strait to where we need to start thinking seriously about gear but Isengard is the place to be for that…. and we haven’t even really touched Enedwaith yet.

We’re also wondering what we will do once we reach cap… we have really enjoyed taking it slowly and giggling our way round areas, once we have done the questlines for Isengard we will need to find something else to do (skirmishes or alts perhaps plus we do have a warden friend which should make quite an awesome trio ;))  There is also grouping with our kin – plenty of stuff to do but I will really miss questing with Dimzad…

Mind you, Skyrim is out very soon and lotro will be taking a back seat for a while 😉 will delay our dilemna* for a while lol

*got completely sidetracked by dilemna (how I was taught) v dilemma




little by little, one travels far #4

Ridge-Racer 🙂

Well there’s been a few weeks where I haven’t posted updates so I’ll be brief because even though I haven’t had time to post… we’ve still been playing 😀

Eldaeriel and Dimzad are now level 60 and are still working our way through Moria, we did step out the other side though and have introduced ourselves to the Galadhrim.  (I won’tbe able to do the oh god, its the mad poo-flinging woman again repeatable quests without giggling like a loon now (although its possible, given the grind, i may have ended up giggling like a loon anyway…)

We’ve run the Grand Stairs a couple of times now with our kinnies and that has been an experience!  We’re total noobs when it comes to grouping in lotro and we possibly have a slightly steeper learning curve as we tend not to run with a traditional group setup.  The funnest one was 2 hunters, 2 minstrels, RK and burglar, the one I found easiest was captain, hunter, RK, burglar and minstrel and I had a total nightmare when the captain switched to his lore-master :P.  Though to be fair, that was mainly down to the fact that it was gone midnight (which I hadn’t realised) and had been egging the group on to go back in cos I was appalled at the amount of half finished quests I would have left in my journal. Was a bad move, I was too tired to see or think straight,  oh well lesson learned, shall curfew myself in future 😉

Finally, I got my Ridge-Racer title!!  Was fun to get and to celebrate I threw myself down a well in Moria to get the Well Travelled title too 😉